November 28, 2008

Seriously, Amazing. Seriously.

Ok. These guys. Are. Seriously. Amazing. Really. AMAZING!

Go to youtube. And. Search. Boyce Avenue. THEY ARE AWESOME. AWESOME. AWESOMEEEE!


Here are some links. - OneRepublic/Timbaland - Apologize - Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love - The Goo Goo Dolls - Iris


November 26, 2008


My momo jojo word/super word/magic word equals!


November 24, 2008


I'm addicted to COD4. And my mum has be nagging to stop. I feel like a lifeless jerk.
And my bro keeps saying "You should get a hobby and not end up like those lifeless gamers"
So... should I get a Hobby and Get a life?
Or... Play COD4 and be a Lifeless jerk.

Vote in the poll.

November 20, 2008


I just got about 30 pages of homework from my Tuition teacher. And she's coming back tomorrow. T.T

November 18, 2008

Why So Serious?

kabooboochacha! chachaboobooka!

LoL. LoL. LoL. I'm bored. LoL. LoL. LoL.

VBS is tomorrow. Cant wait. I wanna tortue the volunteers. :D

WHY AM I SO BORED? Yeesh. I hate myself. I suck. No wait, I rock! Shut up Dan. You suck. No, I rock. Now shut it dan. No you shut up! No you shut it!
Dan starts fighting with Dan.

November 16, 2008

This Is for absolute Fun.




Im bored.

November 11, 2008


Well, Awards is coming up. And we're all getting ready and stuff. Everyone's getting stressed. But there's one thing I'm happy for! NO WORK! Yahoo! :P

LOL! Wait a minute. Can you "LOL" yourself? Isn't that just weird. LOL. -.-.

Skip that lame "LoL" thing. LOL! HAHAHAHA! Ok, I'll stop.

Well, you wanna know what I'm most stressed out about? The junior skit. Well, every practice would be a havoc, but when Lerry stepped in, IT WAS SO MUCH BETTER!
And now i hate myself for not calling her in before. Sobs. Well, Skit is making a little progress and all, but. I hope it would go according to plan on awards night.
And i just wanna say, "Thanks Lerry."

Night Folks. back to work boys. And girls.

November 08, 2008

Get It?

Superman is Super! But Superdan is! Superduper!
Get it? *winks*

The Sambal Day.


Alright, so today Brandon came to my house. And is leaving now.
He dared me to eat a SPOON FULL of SAMBAL, for 5 bucks. So I did it while he video taped it. And he payed me 4 bucks and i couldn't drink WATER. But in the end, he found out he accidentally canceled the video. I thought he would get worked up or something like it, but he didn't. He just said calmly with pride, Never mind. it was worth it. I was the only one that saw it. And its was funny, no, seriously, really funny when i did it. Today was Fun and all. And I shall remember this day as the Sambal Day.

Sambal Day.
8th Of November.

And if you wanna get the details. Go ask Bradon. :D

November 05, 2008


Today, i had to do poems. And i had to choose a title and had 4 options that my book gave me.

1.( i forgot this one)
2."Sparkling Waters"
3."Monkey Business"
4.(i forgot this one also)

I chose Monkey Business. :D

Well, Claudia helped me. And she came up with the whole thing. Well il write it for you guys.

Monkey Business here and there.
Monkey Business everywhere.
Monkey Business High and low.
Monkey Business NOT FAST NOT SLOW.

Wanna know why the last line is capitalized? Ask Claudia. :D