August 03, 2008


Hello Reader.

Hi guys, right now i have nothing to do... so I'm blogging.... well.... my parents and younger brother is upstairs and my older sister and older brother went for a sleep over..... i just came back from KLCC.... well we went to church then the PC fair and KL Convention Center it was CROWDED!! like REALLY CROWDED!! Not a very good place to wear nice shoes and if you are sick i suggest you dont go fairs... well my mum was wearing new shoes and it got stepped on a lot......... well I was the one stepping..... i feel bad! T.T Well.... after the fair we went to have dinner at Chili's.. but the line was too long and we decided to go to DOME.... well it was DELICIOUS!! They gave a lot of food and it was really fast and it was delicious.... right now I feel very empty.... without my family.. I'm just used to all the noise i think but right now I just miss my Family and all the laughing and talking and having fun but sometimes its just me downstairs with my computer and just alone .. well I'm with my Grandma downstairs but we cant communicate because I don't know Mandarin or Cantonese and only tiny bit of BM, so right now I miss my family and just felt of blogging it so yeah... have great times with your family while you are still with them are when your gone to work and all busy... so enjoy life now because you can never get back these wonderful moments. Well thats all I have to say.. goodnight.

Thanks For Reading.

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